Talent Coach + Trainer with over 13 years of Silicon Valley Experience
Welcome! Thank you for considering me to help you achieve your career and hiring goals. I have gone through the fire to be here, helping you, today. It took a long time and many failed starts before I found my vocation. I’ve gained a wealth of experience hiring for companies like, Credit Karma, Facebook, and Mixpanel. As a recruiter, both agency and in-house, I saw unnecessary struggle and frustration, from all sides. Now I use my expertise to ease the pain of hiring, and getting hired, for everyone.
Let’s get started!
- Kachi, RLAB Principal
How I Can Help
Individual Coaching.
Career Coaching for those looking for guidance and/or advancement
Interview Preparation for all stages, including technical evaluations
Resume Guidance so you can build and update the perfect record of excellence
Corporate Training.
Training for recruiters, interviewers, & hiring managers
Audit and Redesign of hiring practices and processes for efficiency, efficacy, and inclusion
Pipeline Health through learning niche sourcing techniques, and candidate engagement best practices
“Kachi is not just a recruiter but also a coach. When you re-enter the Job Market, what you know and your experience are secondary to how you present yourself. Kachi goes the extra mile to ensure that you give yourself the best chance possible to match your skills to a new and exciting position. I know I'm better than I was before Kachi started to represent me. I'm more inspired to improve myself after working with her."
— Tony Sukiennik, API / Business Logic Orchestrator - IoT Visualizer